助教:小田 絢子(オダ アヤコ)
研究室 | |
最終学歴 |
明治薬科大学薬学部薬学科(2016年3月) |
学位 |
博士(薬学)(明治薬科大学:2024年) |
担当科目 |
症例解析演習Ⅰ・Ⅱ、事前実務実習、病院薬学コース実習、病院薬学コース特論・演習 |
専門分野 |
医療薬学 |
研究課題 |
薬物療法の適正化に関する研究 |
所属学会 |
日本薬学会、日本医療薬学会、日本TDM学会、日本臨床薬理学会 |
受賞歴 |
22th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology, Best Clinical Toxicology Poster Presentation(2024)、第38回日本TDM学会・学術大会優秀演題賞(2022) |
研究業績1 |
Ultra-Sensitive Quantification of Coproporphyrin-I and -III in Human Plasma Using Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. ACS Omega, 9, 47135-47144 (2024) |
研究業績2 |
Evaluation of intra‐ and inter‐individual variations in plasma belimumab concentrations in adult patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Pharmacol Res Perspect, 12, e1255 (2024) |
研究業績3 |
Evaluation of the usefulness of plasma 4β‐hydroxycholesterol concentration normalized by 4α‐hydroxycholesterol for accurate CYP3A phenotyping. Clin Transl Sci, 17, e13768 (2024) |
研究業績4 |
Usefulness of Belimumab in Adult Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Evaluated Using Single Indexes: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. Curr Ther Res Clin Exp, 100, 100738 (2024) |
研究業績5 |
Relationship of plasma 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-propyl-2-furanpropanoic acid concentration with OATP1B activity in patients with chronic kidney disease. Clin Transl Sci, 17, e13731 (2024) |
研究業績6 |
Rapid and simple quantification of belimumab in human plasma using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Clin Biochem, 124, 110706 (2024) |
研究業績7 |
Evaluation of effects of indoxyl sulfate and parathyroid hormone on CYP3A activity considering the influence of CYP3A5 gene polymorphisms. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 89, 3648-3658 (2023) |
研究業績8 |
Positive correlation between organic anion transporter 1B function indicated by plasma concentration of coproporphyrin-I and blood concentration of cyclosporin A in real-world patients. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 89, 1672-1681 (2023) |
研究業績9 |
Highly sensitive simultaneous quantification of indoxyl sulfate and 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-propyl-2-furanpropanoic acid in human plasma using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. J Sep Sci, 45, 1672-1682 (2022) |
研究業績10 |
Sensitive UHPLC-MS/MS quantification method for 4β- and 4α-hydroxycholesterol in human plasma for accurate CYP3A phenotyping. J Lipid Res, 63, 100184 (2022) |