教授:紺谷 圏二(コンタニ ケンジ)
研究室 | |
最終学歴 |
東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科博士課程(1995年3月) |
学位 |
博士(理学) |
講義科目 |
生化学II、創薬科学入門演習、生命科学実習III、薬科学総合実習、生体機能調節学特論(大学院)、分子病態学特論(大学院) |
専門分野 |
生物化学、細胞生物学 |
研究課題 |
低分子量Gタンパク質ファミリーの活性制御と生理機能の解析 |
所属学会 |
日本生化学会、日本分子生物学会、日本薬学会、日本細胞生物学会、日本癌学会 |
学会活動 |
日本薬学会生物系薬学部常任世話人 |
学内委員 |
大学院運営委員会、大学院FD委員会、入試委員会、機器分析運営委員会 |
社会活動 |
日本生化学会「生化学」誌企画委員(2017-2023)、薬学教育協議会教科担当教員(生化学分野)(2017-)、The Journal of Biochemistry, Associate Editor (2018-2023)、日本細胞生物学「Cell Structure and Function」誌編集委員(2019-)、日本薬学会学術誌「Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin」編集委員(2022-) |
研究業績1 |
Di-Ras2 protein forms a complex with SmgGDS protein in brain cytosol in order to be in a low affinity state for guanine nucleotides: Ogita Y, Egami S, Ebihara A, Ueda N, Katada T and Kontani K, J. Biol. Chem., 290, 20245-20256 (2015) |
研究業績2 |
Variegated RHOA mutantions in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma: Nagata Y, Kontani K, Enami T, Kataoka K, Ishii R, Totoki Y, Kataoka TR, Hirata M, Aoki K, Nakano K, Kitanaka A, Sakata-Yanagimoto M, Egami S, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Shiozawa Y, Yoshizato T, Suzuki H, Kon A, Yoshida K, Sato Y, Sato-Otsubo A, Sanada M, Munakata W, Nakamura H, Hama N, Miyano S, Nureki O, Shibata T, Haga H, Shimoda K, Katada T, Chiba S, Watanabe T and Ogawa S, Blood, 127, 596-604 (2016) |
研究業績3 |
Regulation of ciliary retrograde protein trafficking by the Joubert syndrome proteins ARL13B and INPP5E.: Nozaki S, Katoh Y, Terada M, Michisaka S, Funabashi T, Takahashi S, Kontani K and Nakayama K, J Cell Sci., 130, 563-576 (2017) |
研究業績4 |
Structure-based analysis of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor SmgGDS reveals armadillo-repeat motifs and key regions for activity and GTPase binding.: Shimizu H, Toma-Fukai S, Saijo S, Shimizu N, Kontani K, Katada T and Shimizu T, J Biol Chem., 292, 13441-13448 (2017) |
研究業績5 |
Arl8b is required for lysosomal degradation of maternal proteins in the visceral yolk sac endoderm of mouse embryos.: Oka M, Hashimoto K, Yamaguchi Y, Saitoh SI, Sugiura Y, Motoi Y, Honda K, Kikko Y, Ohata S, Suematsu M, Miura M, Miyake K, Katada T and Kontani K, J Cell Sci., 130, 3568-3577 (2017) |
研究業績6 |
TLR7 mediated viral recognition results in focal type I interferon secretion by dendritic cells.: Saitoh SI, Abe F, Kanno A, Tanimura N, Saitoh YM, Fukui R, Shibata T, Sato K, Ichinohe T, Hayashi M, Kubota K, Kozuka-Hata H, Oyama M, Kikko Y, Katada T, Kontani K and Miyake K, Nat Commun. 8, 1592 (2017) |
研究業績7 |
GEF mechanism revealed by the structure of SmgGDS-558 and farnesylated RhoA complex and its implication for a chaperone mechanism: Shimizu H, Toma-Fukai S, Kontani K, Katada T and Shimizu T, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 115, 9563-9568 (2018) |
研究業績8 |
ADP-ribosylation factor-like 8b is required for the development of mouse models of systemic lupus erythematosus: Saitoh SI, Saitoh YM, Kontani K, Sato K, Miyake K, Int Immunol, 31, 225-237 (2019) |
研究業績9 |
Conformational landscape alternations promote oncogenic activities of Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 as revealed by NMR: Toyama Y, Kontani K, Katada T, Shimada I Sci. Adv. 5, eaav8945 (2019) |
研究業績10 |
Loss of the small GTPase Arl8b results in abnormal development of the roof plate in mouse embryos: Hashimoto K, Yamaguchi Y, Kishi Y, Kikko Y, Takasaki K, Maeda Y, Matsumoto Y, Oka M, Miura M, Ohata S, Katada T, Kontani K, Genes Cells, 24, 436-448 (2019) |
研究業績11 |
Decreased conformational stability in the oncogenic N92I mutant of Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1:Toyama Y, Kontani K, Katada T and Shimada I, Sci Adv, 5, eaax1595 (2019) |
研究業績12 |
Hedgehog-related genes regulate reactivation of quiescent neural progenitors in Caenorhabditis elegans: Kume M, Chiyoda H, Kontani K, Katada T and Fukuyama M, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 520, 532-537 (2019) |
研究業績13 |
Caenorhabditis elegans PTR/PTCHD PTR-18 promotes the clearance of extracellular hedgehog-related protein via endocytosis: Chiyoda H, Kume M, Cadena del Castillo C, Kontani K, Spang A, Katada T and Fukuyama M, Plos Genet, 17, e1009457 (2021) |
研究業績14 |
Development of a versatile HPLC-based method to evaluate the activation status of small GTPases: Araki M, Yoshimoto K, Ohta M, Katada T and Kontani K, J Biol Chem, 297, 101428 (2021) |